training ' find the strength in yourself '
At the moment (violent) as angry feelings, fear or stress you seem to detract about Mr or through your thoughts nele-sen ratio (times) * flow, * breaks it ïnvloedt ont contact you confidence in yourself. If this contact is about the true past cut by old le vings mechanisms (fixed-seated habit-patterns), where through your free choice seems to have no more. In the 7 evenings of the workout is everyday situations consider contact with yourself and with your emotions makes *, * perkende * to * names and what is behind. This is in far incentive with the ' know ' (in-sight). By * here at to stand far drag as it were without saying you ge andert and attitude w.r.t. daily (awkward) situations and by moderate exercise also in that line to avoid ties itself. It is not the situation that determines, but how you deal with it in State and! Work on quality of life! Download brochure more information 0575 495 232